With the pandemic putting a halt on organizing big events, we had to pivot a little bit, and decided we didn’t want to wait any longer to put on our first big official event. We are planning to do a yearly walk every November to celebrate Caleb’s birthday and honor his life. This first year, our walk/run will be virtual. With social media, we have the ability to connect with everyone, even if we can’t all be together in person!
With Facebook and Instagram, we encourage participants to use the hashtag #WalkForCalebSmiles, so we are able to see everyone’s participation no matter where they are!
On November 6, 2021, whether you choose to run your favorite trail, take your family out for a 5k walk through your neighborhood, or jog on your treadmill, we welcome you to join us! Snap a photo of yourself, or your group, and upload it to whatever social media platform you choose (don’t forget to use the hashtag!) Or, email your photo to calebsmilesorg@gmail.com
We will share photos here on our website after the event!
We had a great turnout for our first Annual Walk and here are the photos to prove it!